Long Haul
Do you have packages to be delivered over a long distance? Our long-haul
solutions guarantee the safety of your goods or loads throughout the journey. You
can trust us to keep your load secure and in perfect condition
What Is Long Haul Dispatching?
Trucking long haul specifically refers to the transportation of goods over extensive
distances using trucks. This involves hauling freight across state lines and/or across
international borders, covering distances that typically exceed a certain threshold,
such as hundreds or thousands of miles. Long haul trucking is essential for moving
goods efficiently and economically over vast geographic regions, supporting supply
chains across various industries.

Benefits Of Long Haul Load Dispatching
Convo logistic provides reliable services to all its customers and has shown its dedication for over 15 years.

Cost Savings
Our long-haul trucking often benefits customers through reduced shipping costs per unit. By consolidating shipments and covering greater distances efficiently, customers can take advantage of lower transportation rates, which can translate to overall savings.
Cost Savings

Reliable Delivery
Our long-haul trucking services offer well-established routes and schedules, leading to more predictable and reliable delivery times.
Reliable Delivery

Access To Wider Markets
Our long-haul trucking enables customers to reach broader markets by connecting them to distant suppliers and customers.
Access To Wider Markets
Our Achievements
We have a track record of providing professional, timely, and seamless freight services to clients in Canada, and the United States. Your delivery will not be an exception; we are all committed to meeting your logistics requirements with ease.
Loads Delivered
Happy Customers